ThinkingFunny22 – Save the Date – April-2-3-22

Hello creative people everywhere!

Mark your calendar for the 2nd annual virtual conference and workshop. It is slated for offering, via Crowdcast, on April 2-3, 2022.

As with last year, there will be top-tier talent available to help you think and write, well, funnier. As you may recall, we asked for feedback on the conference, and you spoke up. Participants seemed pleased with our initial offering, but many wanted more focus on writing and an increase in interactive workshops where the speakers provided brief writing prompts and allow time for writing flash-humor. For those unfamiliar with this term, it does not involve writing naked.

Sorry if this disappoints.

To accomplish this, we’ll be integrating Zoom into the conference and, probably, limiting the number of participants to keep it manageable. This makes it all the more important that you grab a slot as soon as possible. . We’re still arranging the contracts, but advance registration will open in November, and there will be early-bird discounts. Be sure to sign up to our newsletter to get advance notice. The link is in on the right-hand side of our home page.

You also may have noticed that we’ve pushed the event back into (sorta) mid-April. We did this to provide some breathing room between our event and another that we dearly love, the Erma Bombeck Writer’s Workshop in late March, 2022. They were very supportive of our debut, and after consulting with our advisers and planning team, we thought it best to back up a bit and allow time for people to travel to Dayton, OH, enjoy a great Erma-centric-event, and then have some time to rest up after their return…. and try their hand at what they’ve learned at ThinkingFunny22!

If you have any questions, please email us at

Also, if you missed ThinkingFunny21, the videos are still up and you can register and view them up until April 2022. Here’s a link to see them.

Thanks for your interest, and thanks to all the wonderful, talented, creative people who make this event possible.

Robb Lightfoot.

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