ThinkingFunny22 Welcomes “Rock Your Writing” Author and Coach Cathy Yardley
We’re thrilled to announce the addition of novelist and writing coach, Cathy Yardley, to the team of ThinkingFunny22.
ThinkingFunny22 conference will be live, via CrowdCast, April 2, 2022, Saturday from 10:30 am to 6 pm Pacific Time. Click here to register for the Saturday conference.
Yardley is an award-winning author of romance, chick lit, and urban fantasy, who has sold over 1.2 million copies of books for publishers like St. Martin’s, Avon, and Harlequin. She writes fun, geeky, and diverse characters who believe that underdogs can make good and that sometimes being a little wrong is just right.
She likes writing about quirky, crazy adventures, because she’s had plenty of her own: she had her own army in the Society of Creative Anachronism; she spent a New Year’s on a three-day solitary vision quest in the Mojave Desert; she had VIP access to the Viper Room in Los Angeles.
She also is known for her Rock Your Writing series of books that help writers start, plan, finish, and market their books. She’ll be sharing those insights at 11-11:50 am Pacific Time on Saturday, April 2, 2022. Click here to register.
Do you want to write more novels? Cathy can help!
Maybe you’re having trouble finding time to write in a busy, jam-packed week.
Maybe you’re exhausted when you do manage to carve out some time to write.
Or maybe, when you’ve got the time and energy, you either waste time and then wonder where the day went… or you face a blank page, unable to type “anything decent.”
Pinpoint what’s stopping you – and find real solutions
Cathy’s insights, drawn from WRITE EVERY DAY are specifically geared for fiction authors who are juggling busy home lives, work lives, and the new pressures to “build a platform” while simultaneously producing more books.
Instead of rote advice (i.e. “just get your butt in the chair and write”) it gives clear instructions for zeroing in on what’s really preventing you from writing, and then offers a selection of simple suggested solutions to carve out more time, get more focus, and gently dissolve writer’s block.
Check out her series, Rock Your Writing. Yardley takes a wealth of resource material and distills it down into one clear, helpful approach.